Scopic's book doesn't show how to use a light box as the light source. I have
a 12x18 light box for viewing slides. It has color-corrected tubes in it
(5000 deg. K). Can I use it for the light source? What is a starting point
for exposure time?
Also, do I have to worry about the unevenness of the light? Since it has
a frosted acrylic over the tubes, the light is brighter near the tubes. Do I
need another piece for acrylic so that the light will be more even?
I am thinking about laying down the negative, sensitized paper, a mouse pad,
a piece of glass or plywood, and finally a book (for weight) over the light
box. Do you think this will work?
Another question is how can I walk out of the darkroom when the paper is
being exposed? Do I have completely light-proof the exposure system?
Thanks in advance for any help/suggestion.