Ball milling pigments

Richard Sullivan (
Fri, 26 Jul 1996 15:39:26 -0600

Judy said:
>Next, you scientists are taking the word of someone who told someone
>who claimed to have discovered that "none of the prepared pigments were
>fine enough for gum"!? What?! More likely *the fella* wasn't fine enough for
>gum -- he did something crude & his prints came out crude so he blamed Winsor

No, I for one wasn't taking the word of anyone, I in fact posed it as a
question and inquired if it was a legend. I know that "good" prints cannot
be made with current materials, but I am curious if ball milled pigments
were used, would there be a difference in print quality. The possibilities
are: more or less contrast, more or less transparency, more or less
resolution, and probably others. I assume that the answers cannot be derived
with any accuracy without some practical experience or experimentation with
pigments of varying corseness. I am curious about this because that I have
considered the possibility of making and selling superfine ball milled
pigments for gum.

Dcik Sullivan

Bostick & Sullivan
1541 Center Dr.
Santa Fe, New Mexico