Re: Processing 4x5 sheet film

John Irvin Buford (
Sat, 27 Jul 1996 10:21:38 -0700

then you compared roll film to sheet film and usually even through they
may have the same names, the two films are actually different
emulsions. I am quite sure there are some on this list who can give
you more detailed info on sublieties of different development systems
than I. But the problem may have to do with constant agitation of the
film during development. They may be some way to reduce the amount of
agitation, that the Jobo produces. Because if i remember correctly
constant agitation makes the developer more active. Is there some way
that you can only let the Jobo rotate at a slower rate or turn the
motor off during part of the process. I am only grasping at straws
here, maybe some of this may prove helpful.


You wrote: >
>Maybe a little off the topic of this list, but the reason for bringing
this >question up is that with my current way of processing sheet film,
I often get too contrasty negatives for cyanotype.
>I am lookin for a daylight developin tank for 4x5. I do not want
hangers. Tray processing is no alternative because my darkroom in not
lightproof enough for film in summer, and I do not like to put my
fingers into the developer.

y I am using a Jobo rotary processor with a sheet film drum, but
>neither diluting the developer nor cutting back on developing time
produces the long tonal-scale negatives I get using smaller film
formats with 2-bath developers and much less agitation.
>If anyone can recommend me a good daylight tank (lightproof, cheap,
one >that is not leaking, readily available, etc.:-)), I would be
grateful. Equally important from my geographical standpoint, is a
place I can get it from. As I have to order it by fax or e-mail, it is
really of no importance where in the world that is, except there
probably will be a need for them to undertand english, and preferably
accept Visa.
>Per Volledal
>Stenfeltbakken 47
>N-1405 Langhus