Re: Ilford Pan F - Develop in T-MAX? Help!

James M Justen (
Mon, 29 Jul 1996 00:35:53 -0500

>I just opened my bottle of Ilford Film Developer that's about 18 months
>old, with cap on, but some small amount used. The liquid is now a dark
>amber, and I don't remember if this is the color it's supposed to be.
>Question - Does anyone know if this developer is safe to use, and if
>not, can I develop Ilford Pan F (ISO50 B&W) in Kodak T-MAX developer?
>If so, do you have idea of development temperature and time?

Id say wait...Without getting to into it, Tmax at is pretty active
developer, so you wind up with dev times around 4 min, and the resultant
possiblity of uneven development....I've seen labs do this, and the shadows
really block up. If its valuable film, go with Ilford products or rodinal.
Jim Justen