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From: (Pradip Malde)
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 1996 14:33:33 -0500
Subject: Ammonium Platinum Printing
Mark <> wrote:
> Could someone please list the name of the small company that sells the
> chemicals for the ammonium platinum printing process via Mr. Ware &
> Mr. Malde. I believe the woman who runs the company can be reached via
> e-mail. Also Dick Sullivan if your listening do you sell the stuff
> yourself? By the way, any ideas or comments on the process?
> thanks, Mark
The supplies may be obtained from
First Reaction,
enquiries to : Lisa Martin
37 Depot Road
Hampton Falls, NH 03844
Wk: (603)929 3583
Fx: (603)929 5023
The process evolved out of an attempt to define and control every
variable in the traditional, potassium-based system. It works very well
for me, and the several dozens of printers that Mike Ware, Roger Vale
and I have taught over the past 12 years. I stopped printing with the
potassium system about 14 years ago because I found the results to be
slightly less than satisfactory... which is not to say that the
potassium system does not work!!! It just did not suite me or my
expressive methodology.
"In the implicate order what is going to be visible is only a very small
part of the enfolded order, and therefore we introduce the distinction
between what is manifest and what is not manifest." David Bohm.
* Pradip Malde, Associate Prof.,Fine Arts, Univ. of the South,
( ) Sewanee, TN 37383-1000, tel: 615 598 1537
o <>