>On Mon, 29 Jul 1996, Terry King wrote: > I infer from Judy's comments that
>she questions the need for starch at all. If
>No, actually, I was wondering if the addition of starch or dextrine
>(spelled both ways in my Webster's & 1924 Wall spells it with final e) or
>maybe celite to a heavy gelatine size coat would keep the emulsion from
>sliding off as it tends to do when that heavy gelatine is on smooth paper.
>Apparently the consensus of this list is who knows,maybe, try it. OK, OK.
>That's for gum printing.
If you use a light size for gum on hot pressed paper, or even dichromated Gloy,
the gum will not slide off. So why use a heavy size and then have to find
solutions to problems that arise only because an unnecessary complication has
been employed ?