Re: Pigment types (and order)

Peter Charles Fredrick (
Sat, 3 Aug 1996 13:23:28 +0000

On Sat, 3 Aug 1996,Judy Seigel wrote:
>Let me suggest that you try the Rowney Permanent Yellow. Seriously. I'd
like to know what you think. It seemed to this tricolour beginner to be
easy to work with, have lots of colour power, clear in the highlights, and
reasonably transparent. I of course was thrilled at this stage to get a
reasonable facsimile of a colour print. You would have a more experienced
view -- tho the correlation with Fotempera is by no means assured.<

I think that the only problem with it is the archival factor. I would
like to make the point that not only Michael Wilcox described the pigment
as impermanent but also the American Society of Testing and Materials
(ASTM), now I don't think they are going to just disappears into the
outback, so to speak,if they get it wrong.
They rated ARYLIDE YELLOW G as
category 5 ( pigments will bleach very
quickly). We cant have your pristine tri- colour gums fading can we :-) Get
the book Judy, then I'm sure you will be convinced. This isn't a waste of
bandwidth but a very serious topic.
