Re: Teensey Dots in Pt/Pd Printing & Windstone Parchment

Kerik Kouklis (
08 Aug 96 08:21:05 PDT

> And are Hake bruches the only way to go in the application of

No. Also consider trying a glass rod to coat with. You will find
that you will use significantly less sensitizer because it all ends
up on the paper rather than being washed down the sink when you clean
your brush. B&S carries these under then name Puddle Pusher. You
can also fabricate your own without much trouble.

> I tried the Wyndstone Vellum as was recently discussed of this
> list and love it. It comes in three thicknesses and only the
> thinnest was workable ( I believe it is 2.5 pt ?).

What do you mean? How did the the 2.5 point compare to the thicker
varieties? Also, did you have problems with the paper being very
wrinkled after it dried? Were you able to flatten it without

Try coating the paper on both sides, print rather dark, then tape the
print to a window (or other backlit light source such as a light
box). Wow!!
