Re: Handling cyanide

Carson Graves x1507 3NE (
Fri, 16 Aug 96 13:30:06 EDT (auerbach) writes:
> When I was working with cyanotype, I was doing multiple registration prints
> with platinum/cyanotype. If I put cyan in a place where I did not want it I
> was able to
> clear it out by blotting with ammonia. the only problem with this is that
> is releases
> cyanide gas!!!
> Make sure you are working in a WELL ventilated area, otherwise?
> Gary

I assume that you mean hydrogen cyanide gas. How did you know that this
gas was what was released?

I'm asking because I've heard stories such as yours before, but when
I look up potassium ferricyanide in various references (such as Shaw's
"Overexposure") they describe potassium ferricyanide as very stable,
and that it takes combining it with hot concentrated acid to release
hydrogen cyanide gas.

Perhaps someone with a better chemistry background than I have could

Carson Graves