RE: Dichromate stain/image

Peter Marshall (
Sat, 24 Aug 96 12:10 BST-1

In-Reply-To: <>


You write:

> Pete, I'd hesitate about recommending 1% sulphuric acid on
> a) health and safety grounds
> b) it performed only marginally better
> c) acids are bad news for paper

a) I can see no health and safety grounds for not using 1% sulphuric acid.
This must be one of the safest chemicals we handle in alt-photo!

b) When Pete F showed me his samples I would say it performed dramatically

c) I would expect sulphuric acid to wash out without problems - and if not
it could readily be neutralised and washed out. Given the slightly alkaline
pH of my wash water this would probably occur in any case.

Peter Marshall

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