Re: Van Dyke brown prints at the MOMA

Luis Nadeau (
Sun, 25 Aug 1996 20:47:00 +0300

You are right. This seems to be an unbelievable mistake from their part.
You'd expect better from such a major museum.

Prints can be defined as:

1-Printing or Graphic processes. E.g., woodcut, etching, lithograph...
2-Photographic processes: E.g., silver gelatin, carbon, gum, Van Dyke...
3-Photomechanical processes: E.g., photogravure, collotype...

My Encyclopedia of processes covers all three, and I can tell you that the
MOMA staff have several copies of it. In my book, the above processes are
referred to, respectively as:


at the beginning of each article. "Vandyke", Vol. 2, p. 460, is "PH". Not
that they need *my* book to know this. It's a truism.

I don't mean to be condescending, but it appears, from the information you
are supplying, that they have made one of those mistakes that are typical
of regional, private museums.

Luis Nadeau
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada