Re: Dichromate stain/image

Terry King (101522.2625@CompuServe.COM)
26 Aug 96 08:26:32 EDT

Sretchy gummists

In my note yo Judy of 26/8/96 at 1850+10 I said:

>I think that I have forgotten what this is all about. Was it something to do
>with stretching paper ? Brown sticky tape, blockboard and a hake brush work well
>for me so I suspect that I might consider the atomiser a bit of an over

Having now remembered where I filed Bas's note on paper stretching, I hace reread it.

I amend what I said to:

'With the heavy papers I use I find that sticking down the paper with gummed tape first, ensuring that it is flat to the backing, and then dampening it with a hake brush works well. The paper stretches vagainst the tape and does not ruckle'

I can see why this would not be appropriate with lighter papers.

The point remains that Bas's note in which he recommended the dahlia mister is the most useful note on stretching paper I have read. It certainly seeems to better any advice in the standard manuals that I have read.

Incidentally,is it mister for misting dahlias ? I had always thought of them as blowsy tough old things !
