Advertising on the list...

Steve Avery (
Thu, 29 Aug 1996 12:25:43 +1000

Hi all,
This subject has come up in personal email, so I thought I'd let
everyone know where I stand. This can stand as list protocol unless
there is some general consensus that it should be changed (and I don't
mind being told you want it some other way).

1. So long as it is related to alternative processes in some way, feel
free to post it to the list. It's okay to strecth that definition a bit
if it is on an occassional basis, or if it is likely to be of interest
to the majority of list members.

2. Don't spam the list. I figure one post every six to eight weeks
would be acceptable.

3. In the case of workshops and the like which have a definite deadline
associated, one post announcing the workshop, and a post again when the
deadline is approaching is probably okay.

4. Keep messages short and to the point. Many people pay for their net
connections, and won't appreciate salesbabble. Twenty-five lines is
probably a reasonable maximum length.

5. Don't forget to include contact information (email, postal, phone
and fax). Some people have mail readers which strip the originators
email address.

6. Feel free to answer questions from other members of the list and
plug your product/service if it is appropriate. However, keep the
response to the point - they can contact you again via the email address
you leave if they want further information.

7. Try not to abuse the list. As it stands it is a free and open forum
for people with a similar interest (some might say passion). Try and
keep it that way. Don't be responsible for having it degenerate into a

I know there are a lot of people out there that offer services and
materials which would be of interest/benefit to members of the list.
Don't be afraid to "blow your horn" (just don't bring in a whole
marching band).
