The Archives...

Steve Avery (
Fri, 30 Aug 1996 13:33:19 +1000

Hi all,
This is a guide to getting information from the archives. I suggest that
those that don't already use this facility save this message off somewhere
where they'll find it when they need it.

Accessing the archives by email

This process is easy. The archives are available from the first month the
list was up and running (March 1994), up to the last full month (ie. not the
current month). Sometimes there is a bit of delay between the month finishing
and my putting the archive up for all to see.

1. Pick the month and year for the archive you're after. In this example,
we'll use April 1995.

2. Construct a four digit from the month and year by taking the last two
digits of the year, and appending two digits for the month. If the month is a
single digit, add a zero between the two. The result in this example would be

3. The name of the archive you now want is archive-YYMM, where YYMM is the
four digit number you created in step 2. In this example, the archive is
called archive-9504.

4. Send a request to the listproc to get the archive. This involves talking
to the listproc in much the same way as you did when you subscribed. So
address your email to with the message

get alt-photo-process filename

where you substitute the filename you created in step 3 for filename. In this
example, the request would be

get alt-photo-process archive-9504

Note that things go better when you don't give the message a subject line
(ie. either leave it out or leave it blank). If this is not possible, but
something innoccuous in there, like "A" or something.

5. Wait until the listproc either rejects your request, or you receive all
the parts of the archive (the subject lines of the mail returned will have
"PART 02 of 09" or something similar in them). If the request is rejected,
and you can't make sense of the reasoning, drop me some private email,
preferrably with a copy of the error, and I'll try to help.

Please be aware that some of the recent archives contain as many as 16
parts. Each of these parts are 64k in size. This means you're getting a lot
of mail (not many articles, but lots of disk space). Make sure you can handle
this. Also, please limit requests to one at a time - I get the bounced
messages, and don't like having to weed out dozens of bounced messages which
give me several megabytes of mail.

Accessing archives using a web browser

This facility is provided courtesy of Gregory Walker. It allows you to
search the archives by topic, author, and date. It is an exceptional service,
and I thank Gregory for providing it.

1. Point your web browser at

2. Select the period you wish to search.

3. Select the method by which you wish to search (topic, author, date, or
the default, thread).

4. Click on the article you're interested in, and it will be displayed.

It is possible to access some of the previous artciles in a thread from the
article you've selected (sometimes).

If anyone has any further problems, please feel free to drop me some
questions via email.


p.s. Despite her religious convictions, Judy doesn't know everything about
accessing the archives. If you need to know, ask me.