The method that used to work was dry transfers on Arches 130 lb hot
rubbed for 2 minutes with the edge of my hands...keeping the thing hot.
wet or dry, with vinegar, with photo flow, with fresh film...much
up. I thought this stuff was supposed to be scientific, but it seems
like magic and I've lost the spell. Hven't tried the Lysol, but I never
needed it before.
Just a rant,
Sandy Vrooman
When a person finds no peace within,
it is useless to seek it elsewhere.
Sandy - I seemed to have had the same problems or the same emulsion batch
of film. The only thing that worked was blowing with a hair dryer on the
back of the film - this only gave partial success on the transfer. I've
watched the ultimate Polaroid Transfer guru and he get perfect results
all the time. He says the most important thing is that the paper must be
soaked until it becomes almost transparent. He leaves it for weeks in
closed container. This is for either 4x5 or 8x10. He also uses the
Archer's paper. How long are you waiting to pull the paper apart?
- Carl Bohne
San Antonio, Tx