Re: Heliochrome

Galina Manikova (
Sun, 8 Sep 1996 12:00:48 +0200 (MET DST)

Terry, Judy and Peter!

Reading about what was called helliochrome process on the list recently, I
really wonder, how that is related to the historical process by the same
name? Only by the name?

It all started by Edmond Becquerel in 1848, when he presented for the
french academy a color process for daguerreotype. In 1850 a color process
for the camera was presented by Levi L. Hill in America. Gabriel Lippmann
receieved a nobel prize in 1908 in France for his experiments with color
photography. At George Eastmann House in Rochester there is one color print
by Ni=E9pce de Saint-Victor made in 1867, but a collection of 62 color print=
by Levi L. Hill (hillotypies) made between 1848 and 1850 is to be seen at
the Smithsonian Institution.

I have been using polymers for my work and am very interested in the
process of Dunstan Perera. I understand, that most of you are sceptical to
it, but I would really appreciate to get a chance to judge for myself.
Would any of you be so kind to either describe the process on the list or
send me a copy of the article in "Amateur Photographer", April 8, 1995, or
both! I would highly appreciate your help! With my best regards, Galina.