Re: Revival

Peter Marshall (
Wed, 11 Sep 96 18:06 BST-1

In-Reply-To: <9609102035.AA05557@zama.dvlp>


My comments were - as I said - made wholly from a UK perspective, and as
you say there had been far more interest earlier in the USA. I think I made
this clear in my mentions of Bea Nettles and Betty Hahn,

I was mainly considering processes other than platinum as I've always
regarded that as more of a mainstream rather than an 'alt' process although
I hope this will not stir up arguments.

There are some people in the UK who occasionally seem to regard this as a
UK-led movement spearheaded by the RPS. Nothing could be further from the

Peter Marshall

On Fixing Shadows, Dragonfire and elsewhere:
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