Re: Retouching

j.r.anderson (
Mon, 16 Sep 1996 08:59:33 +0100

>> (j.r.anderson) wrote:
>>> >I'd call Kodak direct. There seems to be alot of confusion of late as to
>>> >what is and isn't discontinued. Go to the top of the food chain and be
>>> >pushy.
>>> >
>>> >David michael Kennedy
>>> If it is discontinued, any suggestions for a substitute?
>>[In reference to Kodak's Reducing Adbrasive]
>>In email, I suggested that the formula might be a very fine
>>pumice suspended in a cosmetic grade lanolin. This could be completely
>>off base, but you might want to try mixing some volcanic ash from Mt.
>>St. Helens (or your nearest volcano) into a small jar of generic
>>lanolin that you can purchase for a few $ at the local pharmacy.
>>(In the UK, would that be a few quid at the local chemist?)
>>Maybe this could at least start off a discussion on the ingredients.
>>Carson Graves
>Why bother when we have photoshop ?

An interesting question.... Not all of us have a powerful enough computer,
or a scanner, or the software, or a suitable output facility, or enough
money to pay someone else to do it all for us for every image we would like
to tinker with! This is not a flippant remark, it is meant in all
seriousness. I would love all of the above, but my bank would not.....

I fully accept the practicality, ease and utility of the suggestion, but in
addition to the problems I have just mentioned, perhaps there is something
be said for old methods on occasion ("character building"!)

Jonathan Anderson