> David Fokos's enthusiasm is understandable and no doubt contagious (I
> might catch it myself if I hadn't been so recently innoculated). And
> thereby he no doubt does his bit to speed up the switch to digital... ie
> the day when we have no choice ... except to go back to collodion for our
> film.... (Just kidding, I'm afraid of gun cotton.)
I would have to disagree, Judy. I still use good old-fashioned Kodak
Tri-X, and have absolutely no plans to stop doing so. In fact my fear is
that the people shooting 35mm have hastened the demise of films like Tri-X
in favor of T-Max films.
I print on my own homemade paper, so perhaps I might be blamed for
furthering the decline of commercially available papers, but we on this
list are all equally culpable in that regard. Therefore, I am doing
nothing more to hasten the demise of film, than you.
If anything, perhaps I may be *helping* the situation. If, as a result of
having programs like Photoshop available, some people find new inspiration
and become excited by their photography again, or perhaps some new people
are encouraged to try their hand at it, then sales of traditional film
will increase. I'm certainly doing my part. :)