
Wed, 25 Sep 1996 22:44:12 -0400 (EDT)

Finally found the reference: New Method For Dry Hypersensitizing
of Photographic Emulsions c 1940 by
F. Dersch and H. Durr, Agfa Ansco

Summary: Film is placed in a air and light tight container along
with 8 to 10 grains of mercury metal. Mercury is placed
in a seperate contain inside the first so that it cannot
come in contact with the film.
Treatment is about 36 hours for sheet film and about one
week for spooled film.
The speed of the film is increased by from 50 to 150%
The effects of the treatment is lost over a period of
four weeks of aging but may be renewed by a second treatment
Apparently the latent image can also be intensified this
There is no evidence that the stability of the film is

And thats all I have to say about that.

Bob Schramm