>"In every case I found that after 5 or 6 coats the tray sizing was giving
>me a superior print.
I have often been concerned that those who are giving their gum prints more than
three or four coats are making a basic error of technique. The ultimate result
may look good but unnecessary work and additional risks of failure go with the
adding of the unnnecesary coats. Just as good results can be obtained with
fewer coats.
> That is, more even (the brush-on sizing seemed to
>develop mottling that wasn't apparent in the initial coats), better
>highlights, and if I wound up brushing in development the next coat would
>definitely stain in the highlights, which didn't happen in the tray-sized
I do not have this mottling or staining of the gelatine.
> My current theory is that the tray-sized paper is sized deeper
>into the paper, and the brushed-on is more on the surface."
I repeat if you use the right paper and a brush and gelatine at the right
temperature you will not have these problems.
In my currentwork I am not using gelatineat all for my gum prints.