Terry said
>>I deny it on the basis of the experience of twenty years.<
>This statement is flawed ,you can do the exactly the same thing for twenty
>years, or you can do totally different things, each year evolving your
>echnique, year by year, for twenty years, or an admixture of the two
>concepts. Just because you have been doing the same thing for a great many
>years does not necessarily mean that you have got it right .
As you imply Pete, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
>Only the work produced, as displayed on the wall at the end of the day , will
tell .
>Not how clever you think you ,are or how many years you have been doing
Hear ! Hear !
I have tried to make things as simple as possible so that even people as cack
handed as me can get it right,
( if that's not cack handedist ).
>I know as I have been doing it longer than both of you, and I m still in
deep trouble ;-)
By thy long grey beard and glittering eye.................
>There is no need to preshrink.
>Again a very simplistic statement, if you use a plastic based paper you do
>not need to preshrink, if you use a quality hand made paper , also you
>don't need to preshink ,but if you use mould made papers up do to 300 gms,
>.then you do.
That is why in this correspondence I recommended mould made papers at over 300
gsm. If people want to go through all that other stuff with rods and baths and
hardeners in order to work with flimsy papers then let that be their bed of
>Sorry for butting in, but, butt me no butts :-) oh dear I'm in trouble with
>judy again for being silly.
Have you heard about the masochist who liked cold baths so he did not take them