Re: photos on ceramics

Terry King (101522.2625@CompuServe.COM)
30 Sep 96 16:14:18 EDT

>>Kodak's Photo Resist (which I believe I read on this list is no longer

>I've just stepped into this thread, but FWIW, there is an exquisitely
>beautiful colour portrait by
>Garo on a ceramic tile at the George Eastman House. I don't know the
>technique he used but I'm sure they might. Gum Bichromate was his usual
>.method, but in this case, I just don't know.

When enquired last year the Kodak photo resist was still available.

I have kept quiet as I thought everybody was talking about 'straight'
photographic images on 3 D surfaces.

There is no great difficulty in applying either carbon images or ordinary gum
prints to tiles in biscuit and then glazing and firing them without any need for
special resists. I have done both to see whether I could do it but no great
commissions have arisen.

Terry King