sumi/carbon tissue
Judy Seigel (
Sat, 5 Oct 1996 15:11:10 -0400 (EDT)
I think this may have been one of the messages eaten by listproc. My
former student, Carmine, chancing upon Klaus's demo, was so taken by
carbon she went out immediately & got ingredients for making tissue. She
stopped by last Monday in despair -- the tissue had turned out all wishy
washy, not "beautiful" like the black Klaus had from Hahnemuel.
She'd used sumi ink, as in the formula she was given, but I suggested that
maybe there's sumi and sumi. I, too, have used sumi for gum printing & had
it come out very pallid.
Does anyone know about different concentrations, or types of sumi?
Meanwhile, I suggested she try Rowney gouache jet black, but any other
suggestions would be gratefully received, & passed along...