Glyoxol availability is USA
JOHN L. DIXON (72110.501@CompuServe.COM)
08 Oct 96 15:15:46 EDT
Judy Seigel,
Thanks for your information on availability of Glyoxol. Since I live out in the
Boonies, I can't avail myself of the walk-in sources in your area. I contacted
Bryant Labs in Berkeley Ca. and got the following prices:
500 gm Glyoxol $14.40 (40% water solution)
1500 gm Glyoxol $39.60 "
there is a $25.00 minimum order amount and a $12.50 Hazardous shipping surcharge
In addition there would be a regular shipping charge.
I contacted Artcraft Chemicals and their price was essentially the same except
no minimum order amount. I can buy formaldehyde from my local drug store for a
heck of a lot less, but I bought some Glyoxol from Artcraft anyway because I'm
fearful that I might harden or fog regular photographic paper stored nearby.
In both sources above, I'm pretty sure they had to order from Fisher.
Neither stocked it.
E-mail from: JOHN L. DIXON, 07-Oct-1996