Re: Truth, Concept, and Reality

Tox Gunn (
Mon, 21 Oct 96 13:26:11 PDT

I'd suggest that entropy and mediocrity are directly proportional, although
there's probably a scaling factor.

Stupidity is not directly related to mediocrity, except by inference.
Stupidity is affected by breedding (pseudo-random scaling factor), diligence
(to learn)(also a pseudo-random scaling factor, and energy expelled/utilized
for learning (directly proportional, but nonlinear (diminishing returns). If
we assume that the scaling factors remain constant, and that entropy as a
whole will not asymettrically affect the ends of the random frequency
distribution for the intelligence curve, then we have 2 possibilities: If
scaling factor product/rate of entropy > 1, then we are still on the upswing
of the curve, and people are, as a whole being less stupid. If, on the other
hand, the scaling factor product/delta entropy < 1, then ,as has been noted,
people are getting dumber all the time...;)

Sorry for the waste of bandwidth in this forum, but wanted to "play

* Tox Gunn *
* "Your sanity is not my responsibility!" *