Re: Truth, Concept, and Reality

Judy Seigel (
Tue, 22 Oct 1996 16:26:27 -0400 (EDT)

On Sat, 19 Oct 1996, Pollmeier Klaus wrote:

> Russ said:
> >I'd really appreciate it if this discussion was taken to Photo-Art
> >List where it belongs. IMHO it has no place on this productive
> >and product oriented list.
> I absolutely do not think we should exclude discussions like this from this
> list. The product to which this this list is oriented is communication. The
> communication technique the members of this list chose is damned complicated, as
> well as time and money consuming, so it should be allowed to scrutinize the
> sense of our efforts. Or is using alt.processes just another form of
> masturbation?
> Eric Feinblatt, please - if not every day so at least from time to time -
> continue remembering us to turn on our brain prior to the uv-light ;-)

Klaus, I missed the original message from Eric Feinblatt, but I was
mightily peeved by all the huffing & puffing of list police telling us to
go elsewhere with "art" talk (even tho Terry was being, well being Terry).
Before I could write to tell you I agreed entirely with your message
above, the, pardon the expression, but there's nothing else says it quite
so well -- the shit hit the fan.

Since then I got a message of interest on the topic from Steve which I
will forward in case you're wondering......
