Technique & Creativity

Terry King (101522.2625@CompuServe.COM)
23 Oct 96 03:44:55 EDT

Fellow Alternative Persons

I have been musing about a comment that arose on the list when I was suggesting
that photography graduates should have had a rounded education and be able to
communicate photographically.

It was suggested that I came across as an old fogey who was so set in his ways
that he was unableto accept new ideas.

This is so contrary to the truth that I thought that I should set matters right,

Fifteen years ago I was a 'suit' who became obsessed with gum printing.

I found that the information available was often over complicated and wrong.

By experiment I found that I could make multi colour gums on fine water colour
papers with rich tones, good registration, clear high lights, no staining and a
wide range of tone from three coats ( rather than sixteen) with no need for a
substrate or prehardening . That is how they were better than other
contemporary gums I saw. I now have two or three methods of doing so.

I managed to simplify other processes similarly. The combination of negative,
water colour paper, coating and avoidance of chemical contrast controls gave
platinum prints, for example, with a good range of contrast, clean highlights
and subtle gradation.

On UV lights I have suggested on the list a bulb that is designed for the
purpose and works well with a range of processes and which is cheaper and easier
to install than black light tubes but nobody seems to want to listen.

The methods which I teach on my workshops and which I have detailed on the list,
are so simple that they do not get in the way of creativity.

I have put these ides on the list. And I have learned from the list. All hail
the list and the friends I have made on it.

I am now preparing a series of manuals which I hope will demonstrate that I am
not an old fogey.

Terry King