Re: Kallitypes - Do I want to try it ?

Judy Seigel (
Mon, 28 Oct 1996 20:29:13 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 28 Oct 1996 SCHRAMMR@WLSVAX.WVNET.EDU wrote:

> Judy,
> Do you have the formula for platinium/paladium toner for kallitype?
> I would like to try it on VDB. Is it published somewhere?

Bob, I have 6 palladium/platinum toners in my notes, most of them quite
similar, as follows:

1. (from Wynn)

250 cc water, 25 drops palladium chloride, 1.25 grams citric acid.

2.(from Alan Newman)

A. 55 g non-iodized table salt, 55 g K alum, in 1 litre hot water
B. 9/10 g potassium chloroplatinite dissolved in 100 cc water

to use: 30 ccA, 10CCB in 300 cc water at 68 degrees F, lasts 1 hour, 1 g
platinum tones 40-50 8x10 prints

3. Labnotes (B&S)

25 g palladium (10%), 1 1./4 g each sodium chloride and
citric acid in 250 cc water

4. (source not noted)

25 drops sodium palladium chloride, 1 1/4 g sodium chloride, 1 1/4 g
sodium acetate, 250 cc distilled water. Immerse 5 minutes or more, keeps
1 day.

5. (from Wynn)

100 cc distilled water, .5 g sodium chloride, .5 g sodium acetate, 7 drops
palladium chloride (from 15% soludion mixed for palladium printing).

Keeps one day. Use before fixing for 5 min. or longer.

6. Maybe you want to do the math on this -- it might be the same as the
one from B&S Labnotes; definitely same as #5 above, except citric acid
instead of sodium acetate.

100 cc water, .5 g sodium chloride, .5 gram citric acid, 7 drops 15%
palladium chloride.

Tone 5 minutes then fix.

My notes are murky on whether I used number 5 or 6 above, doubt it

And incidentally, going back into the kallitype folder for these formulas,
I was surprised at how *black* the kallitype, developed in the sodium
acetate developer, was. Blacker than all but a few platinum formulas, and
to me the prettiest color of them all. (No, I'm not going to do it again
-- too easy.)
