Cost of Pt

Pradip Malde (
Tue, 29 Oct 1996 10:24:38 -0600

>> wote:

>It was my original perception (from kit prices) that Platinum
>>would run me about $25 per 8x10 print (does not include paper).
>That's based on a PF kit. One note I received indicated the cost
>for Pt. was something like $1.75 for a 9x11. If I can print 8x10 in
>the $2-$3 range for chemistry then I'll go for Pt.
>So my question is: What is the estimated cost for chemistry for
>an 8x10 ? And through what source would I find the chemistry
>(obviously not PF) ?

Doug -

Showcase Inc., in Atlanta, GA (800 886 1976 or 404 325 7676) now sell all
the chemicals, 'pan ready' for the Ammonium Pt/Pd process, including
paper. Ask for Floyd. Prices are pretty competetive, and can work out to
around $6 for a 1:1 Pt/Pd 8x10 print (I included paper and all processing
chemicals when figuring out the estimate).

- Pradip.

* Pradip Malde. tel: 615 598 1537
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