Sorry to bring this subject up once more, but despite e-mailing the cachet
company things are no better than before: althought their web-site gives a
full price list for Oriental papers, all I have got from the Cachet company
is one rather short message:
>I do not carry the products which you seek. Good luck in your
>search. Sorry I could not help you.
with no attempt to elaborate or explain why they appear to be advertising
products they do not carry...
Cachet has not replied to subsequent enquiries, and I feel rather like a
child who was promised a toy, shown a picture of it, and then told that
they would not get it after all! Does anyone on the list use
Oriental/Cachet products (especially the paper) and if so, which ones are
available? OK, it ain't strictly "Alt", but I really don't know who else to
ask! It was Albert Strauss who told the list 9or more exactly me through
the list) about Cachet - can you help, Albert??
Thanks for indulging me!
Jonathan Anderson