READ THIS: List Etiquette

Steve Avery (
Tue, 19 Nov 1996 15:15:30 +1100

For personal reasons, I've been away for a couple of weeks. I don't
feel I should have to apologise for this (especially considering the
reason, which I won't go into). I figured that if I had to drop
everything and disappear for a while, then the people on the list would
be mature and intelligent enough to keep things running merrily along
without my having to tell everyone to behave. Seems I was wrong.

In an attempt to curtail the mass exodus of seasoned alt-photo veterans
(list veterans, not necessarily geriatric photographers), and in an
attempt to return to the friendlier list of yore, I have decided to
institute draconian measures to prevent repeats of recent ugliness.

If anyone acts in a manner I believe to be inappropriate for the list,
then I will send them a warning, possibly citing the behaviour I believe
is contrary to the spirit of the list.

If anyone disregards such a warning, continuing to act like a jackass,
or if they simply tick me off enough to begin with, then I will axe them
from the list. I will do so without warning, and they will receive no
notice that it has been done. After some period of penance, I may
consider reinstating their subscription if they beg via private email.
Then again, I may not.

This list is intended to be a friendly and social meeting place for
people with like interests. Personal abuse and the like are not
generally considered friendly. Please act like the adults your years are
supposed to reflect.

Before anyone tries to ply me with their constitutional rights, may I
remind you I'm Australian, and frankly don't give a damn. I provide this
list out of the goodness of my heart, and recent list activity makes me
wonder why I bother.

Please learn to play like good boys and girls, no biting or pulling
hair, and learn to share the toys. Otherwise I'll relegate you to the
corner with a large pointy hat (and a sore backside).
