> and the potential security risk it makes. Instead of a destructive
> Trojan virus (like most viruses!), this virus referred to as
> Maddick, performs a comprehensive search on your computer, looking
> valuable information, such as email and login passwords, credit
> personal inf., etc.
> The Deeyenda virus also has the capability to stay memory resident
> while running a host of applications and operation systems, such as
> Windows 3.11 and Windows 95. What this means to Internet users is
> that when a login and password are send to the server, this virus
> copy this information and SEND IT OUT TO UN UNKNOWN ADDRESS
> The reason for this warning is because the Deeyenda virus is
> undetectable. Once attacked your computer will be unsecure.
> it can attack any O/S this virus is most likely to attack those
> viewing Java enhanced Web Pages (Netscape 2.0+ and Microsoft
> Explorer 3.0+ which are running under Windows 95). Researchers at
> Princeton University have found this virus on a number of World
> Web pagesand fear its spread.
> Please pass this on, for we must alert the general public at the
> security risks.
Chris Anderson NetDirect Internet Ltd
Tel +44(0)181 293 7000 Fax +44(0)181 293 6000
email info@ndirect.co.uk web http://www.ndirect.co.uk