VIRUS ALERT is a hoax

Gordon J. Holtslander (
Fri, 29 Nov 1996 08:17:29 -0600 (CST)

The good times or deeyenda virus is a hoax. ie The message is the virus.

It is NOT possible to get a virus on your computer from reading an email
message. A virus can only affect your system if you install a piece of
software and run it. This is not the case when reading email.

If you want lots more info on viruses point your www browser at

this document can also be obtained via email by email to LISTSERV@LEHIGH.EDU
with the command INFO VIRUS-L in the message body.

This should be the LAST message on this subject discussed on this list.

Please send any comments or questions directly to me.

Gordon J. Holtslander 112 Science Place
URL: University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Tel (306)966-4433 S7N 5E2
FAX (306)966-4461 Canada