Is light unit after-glow a problem?
Ron Silvers (
Sun, 1 Dec 1996 11:59:57 -0500 (EST)
Bill Laven raised a problem about UV leakage from light tables during
periods of exposure. My question here is about the glow of the bulbs
after exposure. I am particularly concerned since my unit requires that I
move the vacuum firm section from a closed vertical to an open horizontal
position when the exposure is complete. In this way the set of vertical
bulbs face outward to the room. Are they really off after the unit shuts
One day with the lights completely out, I stayed on the phone for several
minutes and was alarmed to find how bright and how long the fluorescent
bulbs emitted light after the end of the exposure. Have others noticed
this, and is it a problem? My concern is that with many printings through
the day and day after day, are we being harmfully effected by the
continuous after-glow? Is there sufficient UV light to be concerned?
As to measures of effect: no tan yet, but I'm wondering about my eyes.
Ron Silvers