Ultra Low Tech (ULT)
Wed, 4 Dec 1996 06:58:42 -0500
Hi there Folks, Ultra Low Tech photography is really getting down to basics
to achieve good results at low expense e.g. A 10" X 8" cardboard box camera
with new 500 mm lens, shutter speeds up to 1/300 sec complete with 10" X 8"
DIY negative film/paper holders can be made, easily, for under $20. (Full
story if anyone is interested).
This approach returned to me during my recent research into one shot
carbon/gel printing (DCG) and has brought me loads of fun since 1952 when I
first, truly, got onto the merry- go- round of image making with Govt.
surplus gear. In this connection I^ve just come accross a place in Exeter
selling surplus rolls of 200 ASA Aerograph pan film ( 20 meters X 240mm) @
$7.50. per roll.
I would be enthralled to hear stories of ULT-Photo ideas such as
Actinometers and using cat litter trays with flat bottoms for abrasion
development. etc., etc.,
John Grocott. ftgrfst
P.S. My" Encyclopaedia of Photography" 1890 by Walter Woodbury page 518
"PHOTOGRAPHIST =A photographer "....and I thought I had invented the word
! J.
orry of
great expense.
As I have decided to use lith film negatives for
sample DCG prints instead of laser acetates, I now estimate that mailing out
will be around end of January 97 but I know the results will be interesting
and worth waiting for.
Best wishes, for now John
P.S.Current print exposure tests started with 10 mins (gross over exp.} and
ended up with "correct" exp. of 30 secs. This is using a one percent
dichromate sensitizer ,in a 10 percent gel. and acetate laser negs. I must
start delving around for info. on actinometers.