Steve Avery (stevea@sedal.usyd.edu.AU)
Tue, 10 Dec 1996 11:20:30 +1100

This message bounced. The original sender is GGN@AVIGNON.PACWAN.NET. Due
to the complications of the net, the accented characters have gone weird
- sorry. [Gerard, if your email address has changed from
GGN@AVIGNON.MM-SOFT.FR, let me know so I can fix it.]

------------------------<included message follows>----------------------

Hey, Bonjour!

It's my first post.
Did anybody experimented Ultrastable color system, and what problems did
you encounter?
I intend to print using this process and would have your point of view
before invest in it.
Thank you for your help

Quelqu'un a t'il exp=E9riment=E9 l' Ultrastable color system; quels sont
principaux probl=E9mes rencontr=E9s?
J'ai l'intention de produire des tirages avec ce proc=E9d=E9 et voudrait
votre point de vue avant d'investir.
Merci pour votre aide