Last winter we did do a screen with help of copymachinetoner. It works very
well, but I was disappointed with the etchingtimes which was to long and
give problems in the highlightareas.With a little help from my friends I
testing diffrent strengths on the potassiumdichromate.
Autotype pigmentpaper G 25
Standard for images with good separation in the darker areas and no big
light areas 3 %
Images which have sky or other bigger highlighte areas are in 2,7 %
Images with high contrast 2,5 %
The sensitizing is always 3 min and a tempaerature between 12 - 17 celsius.
All the handling of the pigmentpaper is in a humidity of 65 - 95 %.
=46or yours who lay rosinground on the top of the pigmentpaper it is in
another way I know. I have been working with this model for screen or
tonerpowder aquatint.
My etchingtimes is 25 - 35 min regular 45 - 43 - 41 - 39 baume=B4.
The Arista Film
I mix own developers after recipt from DARKROOM COOKBOOK.
Selectol simular . 1 + 4 2 - 6 min
Dektol 1 + 3 1 - 8 min
I work with both developers. Some times I have to do several films and
sandwich them. One lowcontrast one for middletones etc. I have wonderful
results using Amidol waterbath developer. But Amidol is very expensive and
hard to get here in the north. ( Sweden ). During the years of
photogravurework I have worked with different ways with the positive I have
etched Grayscales and using densitymeter
but have had good results with pos between 1.0 in density to 2.85. My
opinion is that the gelatine is reproducing a relief of the image from the
positiv and with
other variables in the process you could manage a long scale from different
positives. Every image is unique in the process. Janet if you go to the
archive for Mars or April this year you could find my workingmanual in
englisch. Are going to Helsinki for a week with my students visiting
=46innisch collegues.
Have a good time .