Re: My 2nd Pigment Print

Pollmeier Klaus (100561.2417@CompuServe.COM)
18 Dec 96 02:36:00 EST

Dave wrote: <Your description on developing on plexiglass sounds very
interesting and sounds like it would be good for multi-color printing. Does one
have to prepare the plexiglass in a special way? Or the glass will naturally
take the transfer?>

The plexi does need no pre-treatment. But it must be perfectly clean. Many other
plastics work, too, but I found the original plexi the safest in terms of

<I am also wondering if developing separate C, M, and Y layers on 3 pieces of
plexiglass and then transferring one-by-one to the final paper will work?>

That's what the tricolor carbro and carbon workers usually do. To get a full
description read Luis' book. I learned it from him.
