Klaus, the last time I home-mixed gum arabic was almost 2 years ago, and I
used one drop of formaldehyde per ounce of solution. Since I rarely use
this particular mix, a lot of it's still left -- and totally fine. In that
amount, there is no odor or other sign of the formaldehyde that I can
detect, so I see no downside to it. There being 20 drops in a ml and 3 1/2
ounces in 100 ml, I figure I used about 1/7th the proportion of
formaldehyde you did. (If I've done the math wrong in my head I trust
someone will correct me.) I would *assume* the less formaldehyde the
better -- though who can say for sure about such things. In any event, it
looks like from now on people may be less likely to have formaldehyde on
hand, so we await your verdict on gum in glyoxal.....
As for your query on subject matter, needless to say, I myself find
discussion of the philosophico-esthetical properties of alt-photo
processes inevitable and essential. Sometimes I think there's nothing to
say, it's all so obvious, but of course the obvious can be quite complex.
In the past such material has arisen spontaneously in the course of a
thread, but where it is deliberately instigated it might have a warning
label affixed -- we could call it "T-rated" and put a "T" in the subject
line, so those who do not wish to be troubled by *thoughts* could delete
before opening. ;_ )
Happy New year, etc.