Re: Ink jet and alt. photography

Judy Seigel (
Mon, 30 Dec 1996 01:26:53 -0500 (EST)

On Sat, 28 Dec 1996, rosebud wrote:
> If the artist had
> had photogravures made (by one of the few remaining gravure shops)
> instead of ink-jets wouldn't his interests still be to get the best
> whiz-bang prints?

Darryl, I'm not sure I follow you. The "best" gum print is very different
from the "best" gravure, and sometimes the "worst" print is "best" and
here we go again with "the rules of photography." I saw a print Friday
that was a pale silvery grey on an off-grey ground, about 3 steps of
density if that, a real dud by the rules, yet beautiful. I suppose the
trick is to plumb the depths and heights however we can reach them -- but
not lose more than we gain.
