Re: Diazo photopolymer -Forwarded
Tue, 06 Jan 1998 15:49:17 -0700

>I didn't mention the diazo compound, it started out as someone else's
>note. I am also looking for added information on it or any other
>In regards to the fogging. To boil down a lot of prior notes, several
>practicing carbon printers had not yet found a diazo that worked as well
>as dichromate. Maybe this thread will turn up some new information.
>Could someone, please, give some more information on this subject ?
>Are there healthy substitutes for dichromates, that give good results ?
>("good " for me maybe a rather small tonal range, just a little better
>high contrast).

This is a complicated matter. specifically, what are you trying to
accomplish? In my database, I have 13,000 + different formulas for
sensitized products. For the most part, Diazo materials are processed in
ammonia fumes, and some sensitizers billed as diazo contain dicromates.
dicromates can cause severe ulcers which take a long time to heal. Perhaps
I can help if I know specifically what you are looking to achieve.

also concerning safety, I use a mercury sensitizers as well as some
materials containing cyanide compounds and I do not have problems.