Poitilistic effect was: Re: Artigue and Fresson Printing

Luis Nadeau (nadeaul@nbnet.nb.ca)
Fri, 09 Jan 1998 23:04:31 -0400

At 1:19 PM -0400 98/01/09, S. Carl King wrote:

>The semi-pointillistic effect is "very" visible to the naked eye. However,
>it is much more pronounced with prints made from 35mm originals than from
>6X6 and larger format originals. Some years back I saw some color Fressons
>by the Catalan photographer Tony Catany made from 6X6 chromes on
>exhibition in Barcelona and they were distinctly different from others
>that I have seen made with 35mm originals. As I mentioned earlier, color
>Fressons are apparently made by enlargement printing from 35mm color
>separations (made same-size from original chromes) and this creates the
>grain, or pointillistic effect. ( Luis describes this in one of his books
>but I can't locate the reference at this moment.) Naturally, 6X6 and
>larger separations will less grain on enlargement,

I always thought that Polaroid slides, with their silver grain, could
provide a pointilistic effect with any printing process. Especially if you
enlarge a small frame section.

Luis Nadeau
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada