Re: Van Dyke

Smieglitz (
Wed, 14 Jan 1998 00:53:21 -0500 (EST)

In a message dated 01/13/98 9:02:27 PM, wrote:

>What paper do you guys use for VanDykes ??

Bienfang 360 is a nice, white translucent paper for vandyke, but it is
difficult to work with. (It is thin, fragile when wet, and has a tendency to
wrinkle as the emulsion coating dries.) But, the results are very nice. The
translucency lets a backing mat show through a bit and this reflection can add
a pleasing effect to some images. I use it for cyanotypes as well. With
portraits, a cream or warm white mat influences the highlights and midtones
from beneath and can contrast nicely with the cyanotype blue. With VDB, the
mat adds an subtle atmosphere of warmth.

I also like Cranes Kid Finish ecruwhite, but wish the watermark wasn't
throughout the paper.
