Re: Pyro processing/Densities of a Stouffer step wedge

Cor Breukel (
Wed, 14 Jan 1998 20:52:05 +0100 (MET)

On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, FotoDave wrote:

> << I am not able to get a higher Dmax (corr.)
>... could Pyro boost my Dmax for Alt. Processes? >>
> To get that density, you need a combination of both exposure and development.
> Do you have the charracteristic curve of the film you are using?

..Briefly: I measure a greyscale card with my spot meter, call this exp.
zone V, than expose on the same 4*5 inch sheet Zone 0 or I upto Zone X (I
have a special set of darkslides, each with a 1 cm. hole in it, got
this method from a book about the Zone system by Shaeffer (sp?)). Process
the sheet, read the densities, plot a curve, adapt my developing on base
of the curve..

But maybe I want to much, just forget about using this EFKE film for Allt.
Phot processes, and use it for gelatine printing only (..but it was so
cheap..;-)..). My next test will be with Iford F plus, which seems.
according to the list, be able to produce a straight curve up to a high

> >> An (slightly) related question: Can one "translate" the numbers/steps of a
> Stouffer Step Wedge to the Zones of The Zone System i.e: Step number 5
> eqquels Zone V ? >>
> The step tablet is a *relative* scale, so it depends on how you expose it and
> how it measure the light (if you can do so). Whichever step you use to meter
> the light can be considered as gray card (is it the zone V? I forgot now).

..but is there not an absolute value/density attached to a graycard (
I mean, when one makes a photograph of a graycard, it's properly exposed,
the film is correctly processed, when one reads the density (assuming a
good calibrated densitometer, one should get an absolute, fixed value

Maybe I am fussing to much about these details, of course its the produced
image that counts, wheter it's from a lousy exposed neg. for that
particulaer process or from a perfect one. It's just that I like to test a
bit, to give me more insight in the matter, without hopefully becoming a
slave of eternal testing, but at the and be able to concentrate only on
the subject when I photograph (but what was the subject....)

Cor Breukel
"The Infrared Gallery"