I.C.I.-Badrinathan - fresson
Grafist (Grafist@aol.com)
Thu, 15 Jan 1998 02:59:32 -0500 (EST)
Dear Art,
The article refered to in John Barnier's posting is entitled " The
Carbon or Fresson Process" by C.Badrinathan MSc, PhD, ARPS and C.Rajagopal,
Then you wrote:-
> I tried this process in the early 80's . . . I don't think it is
>comparable to Fresson.
Oh dear! But, you might have gotten it wrong, somewhere, Art.
After all, its not a particularly easy process to master, especially for a
novice. However, better luck next time when, in the year 2000 you carefully
follow the instructions in my forthcoming booklet publication,
" The I.C.I (interfaced carbon image) Photo Print Process".
The fact is that one noteable characteristic of an I.C.I. print is
that after U.V. exposure and subsequent soaking to remove the sensitiser, the
print may be thoroughly dried and the latent image in the substrate colloid
"developed" by abrasion, at a later stage, rather like a bromoil or oil print
can be, except that with an I.C.I. print the pigment is already in situe and
does not require additional inks to make the image visible.
Can this be done with a Gum print?....................NO?
But I have read, somewhere, that this is one of the properties of Fresson
print production . Awe, shucks! You can only GUESS that my I.C.I. printing
has nothing to do with the Fresson process......altho, Dr. Badrinathan seemed
to think otherwise.
For myself, I could not really care less. "Art for Art's sake. Money, for God'
B T W. Art. Have you tried your local photo store, of late, to see if they
can get some Fresson prints done for you or put you in touch with a Fresson
rep? Or, maybe Bob Shell of Shutterbugs could provide some information on the
B T W - B T W I think Luis is a jolly decent chap. And so say all of us!!
Luis, who?
Luis Goldberg, of course! Who else ??
With just a little levity. The waters of March are almost
with us, again.
PHOTOGRAPHIST John Grocott (London U.K.)