Re: My recent pyro post -Reply

John Rudiak (
Sat, 17 Jan 1998 22:28:33 -0700 (MST)

On Sat, 17 Jan 1998, Elton N. Kaufmann - Cycloid Fathom Group wrote:

> In my attempts to use TP120, I have found staining that looks like
> drip/drain patterns in otherwise featureless parts of the image, like in a
> clear sky. This happens despite following the time/temperature and
> unusual agitation instructions from Kodak for Techidol Liquid developer and
> TP films. I use the Patterson small plastic tanks and reels. Can anyone
> point to a likely cause for this problem?
> Thanks,
> EltonK
Do the drip marks appear "raised" above the normal level of the emulsion?
Has this happened on more than one roll of film from different emulsion
batches? I have experienced this on several rare occasions and am
convinced that it was a coating problem on the film. It is rare, but it
does happen, although the film manufacturers deny it. Since it has only
happened twice in the last twenty five years (to me) I guess we can't
complain too much.