Re: T-Max 400 revisited
Richard Sullivan (
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 11:11:14 -0700
>Beginning photography students should learn how to do things correctly. I do
>not permit my students to use autoexposure cameras. I do not accept work
>from them that exhibits poor craftmanship. I do not agree that it is good
>idea to let students use Tri-X because it is easier to use than T-Max 400.
>It seems to me that this is encouraging them to slop around in the darkroom.
>Once they learn it is OK to pay little attention to time and temperature when
>processing film, then why sould they be expected to pay any attention to
>getting the exposure correct, or for that matter such things as depth-of-
>field and its relationship to aperature, hyperfocal distance, etc. etc.
>My point is that the syntax of this medium is the science and technology
>behind it. Every artist must learn to control the medium he chooses.
>Let the flames begin.
>Bob Schramm
Well said. No flames from me.
--Dick Sullivan
Bostick & Sullivan
PO Box 16639, Santa Fe
NM 87506
505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857