
Brian D. Miller (Brian.D.Miller@Dartmouth.EDU)
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 15:13:20 -0500 (EST)

I had been a confirmed tri-x user for many years, but a few months ago, I got
what I think must be a bad roll. Now I am a confirmed HP5 user.
Here is what happened:
I shot 3 rolls of tri-x, at the same time, of the same subject, at the same
exposure. I processed (in Pyro, actually) them all together in a tank. When I
took a look at them, one roll appeared as if the image were made of only pyro
stain & no silver. Fortunately the stained image was actually printable, though
the prints were not very good. I had no idea what happened, allthough I did
recall that one roll was not the same batch # as the others. However, I'm not
sure that this was in fact the problematic roll.
I know that good old Kodak is going down the toilet, so I'm getting out while
the getting is still good (whatever that means).
This is why I haven't tried T-max, but after this info, I just might give it a

Brian Miller
Studio Art Department
Dartmouth College