Re: Mordancage

Jonathan Bailey (
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 05:48:17 +0000


Don ( listed the chemistry and process in December 1996.
It's in the archives....

I have a reproduction of Craig Stevens' class handout on Mordancage that a
mutual friend shared with me. That is what I have for "hard" information
and what I am using for my own experiments. Don's chemistry and
instructions, I believe, came from the same source.

Nate Apkon is on this list, has done a bit of Mordancage, but travels alot
and may not be in town as we discuss this. He's told me that he's
interested in sharing info with other persons working with the process.

I met Elizabeth Opalenik this summer at her evening slide presentation in
Rockport. If there were specific problems or issues she may well agree to
help out. I have her snail-mail address. She is, however, as busy as a
one-armed paper-hanger....

The issue, I believe, is choosing an appropriate image for the process. It
needs to be quite graphic as it's reduced to it's graphic components. With
some practice one can lift the emulsion, but not remove it, and allow it
reapply "curtain-like" in sections of the image. It can be extremely

Some of the best mordancage I have seen are photograms to start with. The
little work of Sudre's that I've seen, however, were done from negatives....

For what it's worth.

Good luck-

Jon Bailey
St. George, ME